Fundamental analysis and economic indicators
Read this article to learn what major economical factors and political events influence currency pair rates and how not to miss indicators release dates.
Read this article to learn what major economical factors and political events influence currency pair rates and how not to miss indicators release dates.
Learn how you can lessen your risk exposure by implementing various techniques into your strategy.
What trading strategies to apply and which one suits you best? Read this article to know how can you trade to make the most of it!
What is technical analysis, and how do you benefit from it? The difference between technical analysis and fundamental analysis. Pros and cons of technical analysis. How to use technical analysis in Forex trading.
In this article, we will tell you about Forex and its key market elements. You will learn how to trade Forex and get useful recommendations on how to achieve consistent results.
Forex market presents an opportunity to trade 24 hours a day. In order to know what currency pairs to trade at the certain time you need to learn trading sessions schedule that we describe here.
How does Forex market work, what factors influence currency rates changes, who participates in foreign currency exchange, and how to choose a forex broker — read this article to know the answers.
Start with this article to know how ECN trading model works, who liquidity providers are, and how Octa processes your orders.